A Church that is Driven by the Supernatural NATURE of God,
the Supernatural WORD of God, and the Supernatural POWER of God
that produces KINGDOM builder DISCIPLES who live in God’s
Ongoing REVIVAL, God’s FAVOUR, and God’s MIRACLES every day.
(Isaiah 60; Acts 1:5, 8; 2:1-4; Romans 14:17; Matthew 16:18-19)
“Our Mission is to Win Souls, Make Disciples,
Transform Lives and Impact Nations”
Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8
We encourage the use of electronic giving at Hosanna Brisbane
If you cannot attend a service, Hosanna Church Brisbane office remains open during
office hours Tues - Frid (9am-3pm) if you would like to deliver your contribution instead.
Thank you for your donation. Together we can make a difference
65 Woogaroo St
Forest Lake
Brisbane QLD 4078
Tel: (07) 3372 6766
Email: office@hosannabrisbane.com
Office Hours:
Tues - Fri: 9am - 3pm